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Pink Muhly Grass – Muhlenbergia Capillaris

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The Pink Muhly Grass, scientifically known as Muhlenbergia Capillaris, is a delightful ornamental grass that adds a touch of elegance and natural beauty to your landscape. This stunning, native grass is celebrated for its feathery, pink to lavender plumes that sway gracefully in the breeze, making it a must-have addition to any garden. Best grown in sandy or rocky, dry to medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun to light shade. Best in full sun. Tolerant of heat, humidity and drought, but generally grows taller with consistent moisture. Tolerates poor soils and urban conditions. Does not spread by rhizomes. May be grown from seed. Propagate by seed or division in spring.


Typical Uses:

  • Border Planting: Create stunning borders in your garden or along walkways, framing the space with its soft and colorful plumes.
  • Mass Plantings: Plant in clusters to make a bold statement or create a mesmerizing sea of pink during the late summer and early fall.
  • Container Gardening: In pots or containers, it adds a touch of elegance to your patio, deck, or balcony.
  • Naturalized Areas: In a more wild or natural setting, it complements other native plants, attracting butterflies and pollinators.

Establishment and Care:

Pink Muhly Grass is relatively easy to grow and maintain. Here are some care instructions to ensure it thrives in your garden:


  • Choose a well-drained location with full sun to light shade.
  • Dig a hole twice the size of the root ball, and place your Pink Muhly Grass at the same depth it was in its nursery pot.


  • Water regularly during the first growing season to help establish a strong root system.
  • Once established, it is drought-tolerant, making it a low-maintenance addition to your garden.


  • In late winter or early spring, cut back the previous year’s growth to a few inches above the ground to encourage new growth and maintain its tidy appearance.


  • Pink Muhly Grass doesn’t require heavy fertilization. A balanced, slow-release fertilizer in the spring can help promote lush growth.

Special Features:

  • Late Season Interest: The Pink Muhly Grass comes to life in late summer, bursting with vibrant pink plumes that last well into the fall. This makes it an ideal addition for gardens looking to extend their seasonal interest.
  • Low Maintenance: Once established, this ornamental grass is exceptionally low maintenance, requiring little care and water, making it an eco-friendly choice.
    Wildlife Attraction: Its fluffy plumes attract butterflies and other pollinators, adding a touch of nature to your landscape.
Soil Moisture

Well Drained

Light Requirement

Full Sun, Partial Shade


Spring, Winter




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